when I first started upon a 're-release'
it was simply to share with others who were unable to physically visit in person.
but this began to transform,
where I became an observer, as well.
during the hella intensive,
three-month period,
I was solely the creator.
a very busy creator.
the weekend, almost locked inside.
even as a homebody,
cabin fever continually crept up.
I only allowed myself to flow into 'the streets'
when I felt I deserved to,
or to be with those close to me.
but I continually thought,
"at least I'm back in Chicagoland."
this alone was peace.
prior to,
it was a land that I felt very little connection in,
with chaos,
but remained.
I do not suggest this,
but I could never regret this.
I came back,
depleted, depressed.
in all that clouded me.
the hefty feelings.
I will spare any further details.
my point is - without coming to understand
the persistent inner storms,
I would have not 'grwn' to the point to where I am,
in this moment.
and so,
here we are.
during the pop-up,
I was an employee,
and a tired one at that...
brought me back to the days when
I worked at UO @ U of Illinois,
working three jobs, to keep up.
lacking presence to all that I worked towards,
and then rage partying at night.
I was done,
not that I necessarily wanted to be,
but something in me,
called for me to let go and just be with it.
to finally enjoy,
and so I did.
I feel that I may have become to relaxed,
being that, also, the one SD card that housed majority of the first release footage,
is likely cruched below some bag, in storage.
ah, yes.
the key to fully showcase the re-release,
hit a major snag.
but then there's the reminder,
that all one needs,
is surely inside of them.
to re-think,
to grw with it.
'errors' will occur,
but I truly believe that
investment in one's self,
will always find losses.
that is a part of grwth.
what most look as the 'impeferect' sides,
are all imperfected.
embrace that,
the 'PROTECTED' camo print was created to further strengthen the messaging around protection of one's self, and the world around one.
to honor, and protect all one is.
and all that one can do,
within their power,
to protect others - especially the children.
while on the topic of children,
for those that do not know,
prior to college (and during),
my jobs were centralized within child care.
though I've worked in corporate for the past 10 years,
the dedication to protecting children is resolute, within me,
and how I create.
the young boy above, Cole,
is a symbol of the fragile nature of children,
and how vital it is to protect this.
combined with my deep affinity for the sky above,
in relation to psychology + society and technology studies,
my intention is to create a work that brings further awareness
to the critical need to protect the younger generations,
specifically Gen Alpha, and those to follow.
to allow them to explore what clouds them,
to teach them that all that is within them,
is not to be feared, it is to be understood.
that what they feel clouded by,
has the opporunity(s) to guide them,
throughout the entirety of their life.
while on the topic of children,
for those that do not know,
prior to college (and during),
my jobs were centralized within child care.
though I've worked in corporate for the past 10 years,
the dedication to protecting children is resolute, within me,
and how I create.
I will not dive deeper in this time,
but in time, I will.
if you would like to stay informed,
feel free to sign-up for the mailing list.
I can assure you, there will no zero e-mail blasts,
I barely have enough to text others back,
just the occasional,
of any future releases to come.
this could very well be my last,
and I honor life for this.
at least,
I'm home.
and have done something that I have wanted to,
for many years of my life.
thank you for all that who were present with me,
these memories are solidified within.
for those that were unable to join in,
never feel bad. please.
this the least of what I want,
only to share.
if you feel the desire to support,
trust how much I appreciate this.
regardless of support or none,
I will create until I die,
mark my words.
g 」p